Lorna Jean suffered from knee pain for a very long time. Her visit to Manhattan Orthopedic Care was a total win as she was able to receive arthroscopic knee surgery. Arthroscopic Knee Surgery With only a small arthroscopic knee surgery, Dr. Tehrany managed to bring her spirit up again, by removing the pain from her knee. She is now fully recovering, feeling her knee as good as new. Thank you, Lorna, for your generous words about your experience with our team, you certainly made us blush.
“After having constant unbearable pain, I couldn’t bend my knee for 6 months! It was very difficult for me to get in and out of a car or to simply carry out my day to day activities. I went to Dr. Armin and was told that all of my cartilage in my knee had worn out, and that I had bone on bone; this is why I was having such severe pain in my knee. He suggested that I have arthroscopic knee surgery.”, Lorna said. “It has been 2 months since my knee surgery and I am hardly having any pain at all and I can bend my knee 97 degrees and sleep at night! I am doing very well and am very grateful to Dr. Armin Tehrany with tender assurance. I was really pleased with Dr. Tehrany’s bedside manner. He is Wonderful! Thank you Dr. Armin, you truly are the best”.

Lorna Jean – Knee MRI

Arthroscopic Knee Surgery
This patient was treated at the Manhattan Office.