One of Manhattan Orthopedic Care’s own is going to the Emmys!

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Radoyka Jerome, a cherished and seasoned employee of the Manhattan Orthopedic Care team, will be accompanying her son, Jharrel Jerome to the 2019 Emmy Awards this Sunday, September 22! Jharrel has been nominated for his outstanding portrayal of Central Park Five defendant Korey Wise in the series “When They See Us”, directed by Ava DuVernay. Jharrel, who began acting in the 8th grade, landed his first role in the independent coming-of-age film, “Moonlight”, which received an Academy Award for Best Picture in 2017. Please join Dr. Tehrany and the team at Manhattan Orthopedic Care in wishing him all the best luck this Sunday. His hard work, dedication and accomplishments at such a young age is something we can all admire. The love of film is one that is not too far removed from Manhattan Orthopedic Care. Dr. Tehrany has balanced running a successful orthopedic surgery practice with his side passion of being a movie producer. orthopedic doctor His most notable achievement to-date has been his role as one of the executive producers for Nate Parker’s slave docudrama, “Birth of A Nation”. He shows no signs of stopping anytime soon and is focused on continuing to produce more meaningful movies that are capable of changing the world for the better.