Olivia Munn Suffers Shoulder Injury From Swing Fall
Goin really high then it broke mid-swing.BADNews-Dislocated my shoulder.GoodNews-I laughed AND we got it on VIDEO. https://twitpic.com/d92680 — oliviamunn (@oliviamunn) August 18, 2013

(Image courtesy of ABC Radio News)
Olivia Munn, 33, dislocated her right shoulder after a fall of an indoor swing. The Newsroom actress tweeted a video of the fall which looks painful. She crashed right on her right shoulder and said to the blacked out camera “I want to laugh but…”. Luckily for Munn, the shoulder injury isn’t serious and she will recover fast.“Olivia Munn will need a shoulder sling for at least a week. Hopefully the damage will not require shoulder surgery in the future. She is probably loose jointed which predisposed her to dislocating in the first place. Tough fall as well. I hope she recovers very soon.”, Manhattan Orthopedic Care’s shoulder specialist Dr. Armin Tehrany said.