The world confronted a massive turnover when the COVID 19 pandemic struck. The medical facilities faced a substantial challenge. Understandably, all efforts went towards helping COVID 19 patients and fighting this dangerous virus. However, a lot of people required medical attention and care for a variety of reasons. At Manhattan Orthopedic Care, we closed our offices, but we didn’t stop providing orthopedic care. With Telemedicine, we successfully helped numerous patients overcome their painful orthopedic injuries and conditions.
Wilhemina Johnson is one of our Telemedicine patients who had a knee cap fracture. Due to her condition’s severity, her general practitioner had referred her to an urgent care facility. Luckily for her, they found Manhattan Orthopedic Care, and they recommended our office.
“I’m extremely grateful, more than I can actually put into words. It was one of those times when everybody was shot down during COVID 19. My GPs weren’t in their office, and they suggested that I get urgent care. They researched, and they found you, which I’m extremely grateful to them for making that effort,” said Mrs. Johnson in her video testimonial.
Mrs. Johnson had a Telemedicine appointment with our physician associate, Stephen Bouskila. They had a thorough conversation where Mrs. Johnson provided details about her pain and her knee condition. Unfortunately, Mrs. Johnsons’ insurance did not reimburse Manhattan Orthopedic Care. However, as a caring medical professional, Dr. Tehrany decided to provide free care since everything in the city was closed due to the pandemic.
“During COVID 19, we realized how many people were in trouble of getting care, so I decided to see anyone, regardless of their insurance, because I wanted to take care of people. We took care of her. We didn’t take her insurance, but we were happy to see her,” said Dr. Armin Tehrany.
After several Zoom meetings and careful analysis of Mrs. Johnsons’ condition, Stephen recommended physical therapy to alleviate the pain. Before approving the physical therapy center, Dr. Tehrany’s team did a meticulous check to confirm the center was safe with no risk of infecting Mrs. Johnson with COVID 19.
“My PA Stephan Bouskila took great care of her via Telemedicine and referred her to East River, whom we had checked in advance to make sure they were safe during COVID,” explained Dr. Tehrany.
Once she completed the physical therapy, Mrs. Johnsons’ knee was back to its normal strength and function. She was able to walk long distances and had no pain when walking up and down the stairs.
“We started with the Zoom, and then, I followed the protocols, and I came in. I did the PT and continued to do the PT. Now, I’m walking around and taking the stairs, and I’m feeling strong and really good,” explained Mrs. Johnson.
Even though Mrs. Johnson had treatment meetings via Zoom, she received the professional care and support that everyone at Manhattan Orthopedic Care provides to every patient.
“But most of all, I was grateful for being treated with dignity and respect, and for the doctor and the nurses taking time to listen to me and respond to my questions, which doesn’t always happen, especially in this busy city. At a time when you feel very vulnerable, it’s really great to have that support and care. So, thank you,” Mrs. Johnsons said happily in the video.
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We are happy to provide care to all patients who need it, and we are here to help you overcome any knee or shoulder injury you have. All you have to do is schedule an appointment with the best orthopedic team in New York.
This patient was treated at the Manhattan Office.