NJ.com: Dr. Tehrany comments Aaron Judge’s injury

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Last week, the Yankees right fielder Aaron Judge, suffered a right calf strain during a game with the Red Sox. The injury placed him on the bench, which shook things for the Yankees. The media covered the story and shared optimistic expectations when Judge could join his team on the field again. The New Jersey outlet reached out to Dr. Armin Tehrany for an expert opinion on the injury. calf strain

Yankees right fielder Aaron Judge went on the injured list with a right calf strain on Friday. (Mike Stobe | Getty Images)

As an orthopedic doctor with extensive experience in treating sports injuries, Dr. Tehrany noted that Judge could need more time to heal.
“Mild (strains) are usually a problem for a few weeks, and they can linger for another month as well. His strain, fortunately, was the mildest,” Dr. Tehrany said in a phone interview.
According to Dr. Tehrany, the calf one of the hardest muscles to truly rest.
“First, the strain takes time to heal, but the calf is part of a weight-bearing extremity, and we’re constantly using the calf to walk, to go up and down the stairs. It just takes a lot longer to heal because of how difficult it is to wait to use the calf, as opposed to an upper extremity injury. If it’s not weight-bearing, we can more easily rest it to get a full recovery,” Dr. Tehrany explained.
On the question of what could be the leading cause for these injuries to occur in young athletes, Dr. Tehrany explained that their genetics and proportions could significantly impact their vulnerability.
“Meaning, one could be more genetically predisposed to injury than another. Unfortunately, that doesn’t explain to the average person why someone is more prone to injury or why someone may get injured. But that’s the truth,” answered Dr. Tehrany.
Furthermore, Dr. Tehrany noted that the pressure these athletes put on their bodies leads to wear and tear, leading to severe injuries.
“Oftentimes, someone who gets injured, their body wasn’t perfect right before the injury. They were slowly but surely beginning to get wear and tear, even at a young age. These young athletes put their bodies through so much,” Dr. Tehrany concluded.
The article that featured Dr. Tehrany’s expert opinion is available to read here.